The Union vs. Confederates

I am engaged to be married to the gentleman I meant when Takota and his tribe came to New York. The gentleman’s name is Aranck which means ‘Star’. I love him so much, he is educated and free-willed just as I am. Aranck knows so much about warfare, he had to fight many white men in order to keep his land in South Carolina. He informed me of some of the advantages of the northern states, the union has a larger population of 22 million and the confederacy only has 9 million people and 3.5 million of them are slaves! The north had more money for a war than the south. Most iron and coal comes from union mines in the north and the gold, silver comes from the west. The Union has more immigrant workers from Europe who are seeking work, they will probably produce ammunition, weapons, uniforms, medical supplies, and railroad cars. This will be hard for the Confederacy because they don’t have as many immigrant workers. The north has a small but well organized army and the south has no army. The Confederates elected Jefferson Davis as their president. The south has strong military leaders, but they don’t have an established government like the north does. One of the south’s military leaders in Robert E. Lee who has an outstanding record in the U.S. Army, he actually opposes secession and slavery, but he turned down an offer to join the Union forces. Lee choose to fight for the Confederate army and provide them with inspiration and beneficial tactics. I sure hope the north wins the War.

Aranck of the Natchez-Kusso tribe

Aranck of the Natchez-Kusso tribe

Union and Confederacy advantages

Union and Confederacy advantages

Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee (Confederate)

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